If Clause Type 3 Quiz

Try this quiz to test your understanding of if clause type 3.

Choose the best verb forms to complete the following sentences.


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#1. If the children had woken up earlier, they ... the school bus.

#2. If she had been at home yesterday, we ... her.

#3. Would they have come to the party if I ... them?

#4. What ... if you had met them in the party?

#5. They ... the task if you hadn't helped them.

#6. I would have given you a ride if you ... me earlier.

#7. If Maria ... a little harder, she would have scored full marks in the test.

#8. The flowers ... if you had watered them regularly.

#9. If you had told me the truth, I ... you.

#10. You wouldn't have broken the vase if you ... it more carefully.


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