Irregular Verbs Quiz 1

Try this quiz to test your mastery of irregular verbs (past tense)

Complete these sentences with the past tense of the verbs given in parentheses. 


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#1. She ... the first prize. (win)

#2. Someone ... the customers in the mall. (shoot)

#3. My father ... of buying a new car. (think)

#4. The movie ... late. (begin)

#5. I ... to catch the bus. (run)

#6. She ... shopping for groceries. (go)

#7. We ... the news an hour ago. (read)

#8. I ... up when I heard a strange sound. (stand)

#9. The children ... beautifully to welcome us. (sing)

#10. I ... very well last night. (sleep)

#11. She ... three slices of pizza. (eat)

#12. We ... them in the afternoon. (meet)

#13. The cat ... behind the sofa. (hide)

#14. They ... some desserts with them. (bring)

#15. He ... the balloon. (burst)

#16. They ... five fish. (catch)

#17. We ... early in the morning. (swim)

#18. He ... a nice suit for the party. (wear)

#19. His mother ... him drive her car. (let)

#20. She ... ready to go. (be)
