Passive Voice of Modals Quiz

Try this quiz to test your mastery of the passive voice of modals. You may want to review the lesson before you start the quiz.


Passive Voice of Modals Quiz

Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

1 / 10

The police ___________ immediately after the accident.

2 / 10

These forms ___________ out by 2:00 pm today.

3 / 10

The work ___________ on time.

4 / 10

- When ___________?

- At 8:00 am.

5 / 10

The students ___________ by two teachers.

6 / 10

Meat ___________ in the refrigerator.

7 / 10

The schedule ___________ tomorrow by the teacher.

8 / 10

The door ___________ by Tim.

9 / 10

She ___________ a new job at a big company soon.

10 / 10

These books ___________ to the library next week.

Your score is
