Passive Voice (Mixed Tenses) Quiz 2

Try this quiz to test your mastery of the active voice and passive voice. 


Passive Voice (Mixed Tenses) 2

Write the verbs given in brackets in the correct passive form.

1 / 18

The homework __________ (must / submit) before midnight.

2 / 18

The lost child __________ (find) in his grandmother’s house an hour ago.

3 / 18

Yesterday he went to school on foot because his bicycle  ___________ (repair).

4 / 18

Where __________ (Toyota cars / make)?

5 / 18

Rice __________ (grow) in many countries around the world.

6 / 18

This application ___________ (develop) by my friend last year.

7 / 18

The windows __________ (just / clean). They look very nice.

8 / 18

Customers at restaurants ___________ (serve) by waiters and waitresses.

9 / 18

The notes ___________ (could / not / read) because the handwriting was not clear.

10 / 18

The detective story __________ (publish) before the murderer was caught.

11 / 18

On my last birthday, I ___________ (give) the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

12 / 18

The dog __________ (take) for a walk every day.

13 / 18

The Greens' house ___________ (paint) right now.

14 / 18

The results __________ (will / announce) tomorrow morning.

15 / 18

The exam questions __________ (write) right now.

16 / 18

The plants ___________ (water) twice this week.

17 / 18

My car ___________ (wash) last Thursday.

18 / 18

The papers ___________ (not / sign) by the principal yet.

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