Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Choose the best answers to complete these sentences.

1. Half of the money (is / are) going to be used to buy new
2. Social studies (is / are) my favorite subject.
3. Everyone in the crowd (was / were) enjoying the fireworks.
4. My cat (prefer / prefers) to sleep on the sofa.
5. The police (is / are) looking for the suspect.
6. The products you requested (is / are) no more available.
7. The advice you gave me (was / were) very helpful.
8. There (is / are) some cookies left in the box.
9. (Is / Are) there any juice left in the fridge?
10. The news (has / have) spread by word of mouth.
11. The one hundred dollars I had in my credit (was / were) not enough
for my purchase.
12. How (do / does) this machine work?
13. Only two waitresses (is / are) serving the customers right now.
14. (Has / Have) I answered your question?
15. My friends and I (am / are) planning to meet on Friday.
16. The work (has / have) to be finished on time.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Choose the best answers to complete these sentences.

17. (Do / Does) all of this homework have to be finished today?
18. Skydiving and bungee jumping (attract / attracts) a lot of
19. Most of the students (is / are) dropping the course.
20. The United Arab Emirates (offer / offers) business people many
profitable opportunities.
21. I (enjoy / enjoys) cycling in the rain.
22. Football players frequently (miss / misses) penalty goals.
23. One of my relatives (has / have) signed a contract with your
24. None of the employees (speak / speaks) Spanish.
25. Someone (is / are) knocking at the door.
26. One of the students (is / are) speaking now.
27. My friend (like / likes) video games.
28. My sunglasses (is / are) on the table.
29. Mary and Sue (has / have) a nice room.
30. There (is / are) only one milk bottle in the fridge.
31. All the workers in our company (speak / speaks) Arabic.
32. Mona (was / were) in the room when the alarm went off.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Answer Key

1. is
2. is
3. was
4. prefers
5. are
6. are
7. was
8. are
9. Is
10. has
11. was
12. does
13. are
14. Have
15. are
16. has
17. Does
18. attract
19. are
20. offers
21. enjoy
22. miss
23. has
24. speaks
25. is
26. is
28. are
29. have
30. is
31. speak
32. was

Try this quiz to test your mastery of subject-verb agreement.

You may want to review the lesson before you start the quiz.


Choose the best answers to complete these sentences.


Good job!

Restart quiz

#1. One of my relatives ... signed a contract with your company.

#2. One of the students ... speaking now.

#3. Football players frequently ... penalty goals.

#4. My sunglasses ... on the table.

#5. My friends and I ... planning to meet on Friday.

#6. Mary and Sue ... a nice room.

#7. The United Arab Emirates ... business people many profitable opportunities.

#8. Most of the students ... dropping the course.

#9. ... there any juice left in the fridge?

#10. The advice you gave me ... very helpful.

#11. Half of the money ... going to be used to buy new equipment.

#12. My cat ... to sleep on the sofa.

#13. Only two waitresses ... serving the customers right now.

#14. The work ... to be finished on time.

#15. ... I answered your question?

#16. The one hundred dollars I had in my credit ... not enough for my purchase.

#17. The news ... spread by word of mouth.

#18. Mona ... in the room when the alarm went off.

#19. The police ... looking for the suspect.

#20. I ... cycling in the rain.

#21. There ... only one milk bottle in the fridge.

#22. Everyone in the crowd ... enjoying the fireworks.

#23. How ... this machine work?

#24. The products you requested ... no more available.

#25. My friend ... video games.

#26. ... all of this homework have to be finished today?

#27. There ... some cookies left in the box.

#28. Social studies ... my favorite subject.

#29. Someone ... knocking at the door.

#30. None of the employees ... Spanish.

#31. All the workers in our company ... Arabic.

#32. Skydiving and bungee jumping ... a lot of adventurers.
