Articles (the, a, an) Quiz

Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Write the correct article (the, a, an) to complete these sentences. Leave blank
if no article is needed.

1. We visited ………….. Morocco last year.

2. They work hard to keep ………….. unity of their family.

3. I read ………….. interesting story yesterday.

4. The teacher gave the students ………….. easy problem to solve as a
warm-up activity.

5. Can you pass ………….. salt, please?

6. I like to watch ………….. sunset at the beach.

7. ………….. beef is a kind of ………….. meat.

8. He wants to become ………….. lawyer.

9. I had ………….. one-to-one help session with the coach.

10. I really appreciate ………….. support they offered me.

11. They arrived ………….. hour ago.

12. Why do ………….. people wear jewelry?

13. We forgot to buy ………….. milk when we went shopping.

14. My new book is about ………….. life of Jane Austen.

15. They don’t sell ………….. electronics at this mall.

16. Mary is wearing ………….. nice purple dress.

17. ………….. lions are fierce animals.

18. They walked without ………….. umbrella to enjoy the feel of the rain.

19. Did you know that ………….. mangoes are grown in China?

20. My mother never watches ………….. scary movies.


Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Answer Key:

1. zero article
2. the
3. an
4. an
5. the
6. the
7. zero article – zero article
8. a
9. a
10. the
11. an
12. zero article
13. zero article
14. the
15. zero article
16. a
17. zero article
18. an
19. zero article
20. zero article