Passive Voice (Mixed Tenses) Quiz 1

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Change these active sentences into the passive voice.

1. Mona created these designs for us.
2. They were paving our street late at night.
3. Who invented the telephone?
4. The teacher has not marked our exam papers yet.
5. Leena has won the cooking contest.
6. Many tourists visit Petra every year.
7. Tom and Macy are decorating the wedding car.
8. Someone collects the rubbish every morning.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Change these active sentences into the passive voice.

9. Mary will post the letter tomorrow.
10. Terry saw two men running down the street.
11. People use computers to find and save information.
12. You could send your essay by email.
13. We found the keys in the kitchen.
14. Someone has fixed the broken clock.
15. Many people are watching the movie.
16. When did they build this house?


Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________________

Answer Key

1. These designs were created for us by Mona.
2. Our street was being paved late at night.
3. Who was the telephone invented by?
4. Our exam papers have not been marked by the teacher yet.
5. The cooking contest has been won by Leena.
6. Petra is visited by many tourists every year.
7. The wedding car is being decorated by Tom and Macy.
8. The rubbish is collected every morning.
9. The letter will be posted by Mary tomorrow.
10. Two men were seen running down the street by Tom.
11. Computers are used to find and save information.
12. Your essay could be sent by email.
13. The keys were found in the kitchen.
14. The broken clock has been fixed.
15. The movie is being watched by many people.
16. When was this house built?